Latch & Striker

Door Strikers and Latches and are suitable for glove compartments,  cabinet doors and access panels they are simple to fix in place through the front panel, with the added benefit of no noise through vibration.

Materials: Nylon 66

 Colour: Natural, Black

Any colour available upon request

Part NumberDescriptionPull Out LoadDia: LDia: WDia: H1Dia: H2
NL 016G/BLKBLACK LATCH / 0.016" GOLD PASS' SPRING15 N20.018.01.814.2
NL 016G/NATNATURAL LATCH / 0.016" GOLD PASS SPRING15 N20.018.01.814.2
NL 018P/BLKBLACK LATCH / 0.018" PINK PASS' SPRING20 N20.018.01.814.2
NL 018P/NATNATURAL LATCH/0.018" PINK PASS' SPRING20 N20.018.01.814.2
NL 024S/NATNATURAL LATCH / 0.024" SILVER PASS' SPRING35 N20.018.01.814.2
NL 024S/BLKBLACK LATCH / 0.024" SILVER PASS' SPRING35 N20.018.01.814.2


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